четверг, июля 12, 2018

Languages Spoken in Toronto Homes

More than 200 different languages are spoken in Toronto. You can view where the 24 top non-official languages are spoken in Toronto on Social Planning Toronto's new Interactive Language Map.

The Interactive Language Map shows the top languages spoken at home in each census tract area (excluding English and French). Each census tract on the map is colored to show the most spoken language. If you want to view the percentage of people who speak the most spoken language just mouse-over the tract. If you click on the tract you can also view a list of the top ten languages.

If you select a language from the map sidebar you can view a choropleth map showing how many people speak the selected language in all Toronto neighborhoods. If you want to track the popularity of languages spoken over time then you can use the year buttons at the bottom of the map. These buttons allow you to view the data for languages spoken in Toronto from the censuses in 2006, 2011 and 2016.

You might also be interested in viewing the Toronto Visible Minorities interactive map. This dot map shows the minority status of every single person in Toronto. The map places a single point for every person in the Toronto area, coloured by their visible minority status.

The data visualized on the map is a little old now. It is based on information taken from the 2011 census and National Household Survey. It still might be interesting to compare the Toronto Visible Minorities map with the Interactive Language Map set to the 2011 census data.

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