четверг, июня 27, 2019

The Geography of the European Elections

Earlier this week the Berliner Morgenpost explored the geographical distribution of votes for the Green Party in the 2019 European elections. The maps in Where Germany is Really Green also look at which German municipalities are the greenest, when judged by a number of different environmental criteria.

The newspaper has now taken a closer look at the geographical distribution of the votes for the other 39 political parties who stood in the European elections. In Small parties make the East visible the Berliner Morgenpost has mapped out the areas of Germany where each of the 40 parties received above average support (based on each party's national results). The result is 40 small maps which the newspaper has then organised by geography, to show which parties were most popular in the East, the West, the South and the North of Germany.

21 of the 40 parties were much more popular in the former East Germany. Most of these were some of the smallest parties (in terms of their national vote). The two largest parties the CDU/CSU and the Greens were both especially strong in the west of Germany.

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