понедельник, июня 10, 2019

Where Has Trump Been?

Can you guess which state Donald Trump has visited more than any other during his term of office? No, it isn't Florida. According to a new interactive map from Factba.se the President has visited the state of Maryland more than any other state.

Factba.se has set itself the task of compiling a complete record of everything said by Donald Trump in interviews, speeches and on Twitter. As part of that mission it has also created an interactive map which tracks where Donald Trump goes and how often he spends at different locations. Donald Trump's Public Schedule Calendar Map includes a number of different map views which allow you to see which states and which countries Donald Trump has visited the most.

In the Days By State view you can click on individual states to view the President's full schedule of visits to that state. For example if you click on Maryland you will discover that Donald Trump has visited the state 231 times. Nearly every single one of those visits was to get to an airport - and most of those airport visits were to fly to Florida. So if you thought that Donald Trump had visited Florida more than any other state you were almost right.

Trump has visited Florida 109 times - and most of those visits were in order to play golf. But Trump doesn't only play golf in Florida. The map actually has a handy golf view so we can view all the visits that Trump has made to golf clubs around the whole country. Select 'Golf' from the drop-down menu and you can see all Trump's visits to golf clubs while President. Among the golf outings shown on this view are 71 visits to the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster. 58 visits to the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach and 56 visits to the Trump National Golf Club in Potomac Falls. Add in the other 14 days recorded playing golf elsewhere and the President has spent 199 of his 871 days as president playing golf.

So nearly a quarter of Trump's presidency has been spent on the golf course. The other 75% of his time has been spent on Twitter (I think).

1 комментарий:

viet nguyen комментирует...

this is interesting. The current president of USA has brought lots of argues among the Americans. Premium Travel Vietnam