вторник, августа 20, 2019

Greta Thunberg's Real-Time Map

Greta Thunberg is just about half-way through her two-week journey to the United States. The young climate activist is crossing the Atlantic by solar-powered yacht in order to attend the Climate Action Summit in New York on 21-23 September.

You can follow Greta's journey on a real-time interactive map. Team Malizia shows the real-time position of the yacht Malizia II as it crosses the Atlantic. The map includes the track of the yacht's journey so far from Plymouth in the UK and Greta's Tweets and photos taken during the crossing. Thanks to an animated wind layer you can also view the wind directions and speeds in the Atlantic in real-time.

The journey from the UK to New York is over 3000 nautical miles and the journey will take around two weeks. The Malizia II does have an emergency combustion engine in compliance with IMOCA rules but the engine will not be used during the journey. Electricity on the yacht is generated by solar and hydro power. These two energy sources are capable of providing more electricity than the yacht actually needs. Therefore the journey will be fully emission free.

The Malizia II is a racing yacht and is therefore kept as light as possible. This means the yacht has no toilet, shower, cooking facilities or proper beds. The two week journey to the USA won't exactly be a comfortable experience for Greta or the crew.

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