понедельник, февраля 10, 2020

2020 Ireland Election Maps

On Saturday the people of Ireland voted in the 2020 Ireland General Election. With about half of the seats already declared the emerging story is of the dramatic end of two-party politics in Ireland, due to the incredible rise of Sinn Féin. At the time of writing Sinn Féin has the largest percentage of first preference votes of all the political parties. The party has increased its share of the vote by 10.7% since the last election in 2016, while the other two main political parties, Fine Gael & Fianna Fáil, have both witnessed a fall in their vote share.

Irish broadcaster RTÉ has published a live interactive map of the 2020 Irish election. The RTÉ Election 2020 map visualizes the percentage of first preference votes which each political party has won in every Irish constituency. If you view the first preference vote share of Sinn Féin you can see that their popularity is particularly strong in those constituencies bordering Northern Ireland.

Sinn Féin ran less candidates in the election than the other two main parties. This means that despite its success it may well struggle to form a coalition government. Before the election both Fine Gael & Fianna Fáil said that they would refuse to work with Sinn Féin in forming a coalition government. We will have to wait to see whether the success of Sinn Féin in this election will change their animosity towards Sinn Féin.

Hopefully there will be more maps of the 2020 Ireland election to come ...

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