пятница, марта 13, 2020

Mapping & Finding Historical Markers

The Historical Marker Database records the locations of permanent outdoor historical markers and commemorative plaques. The database allows you to explore the locations of markers and plaques around the world which are used to mark sites of historical importance. It can therefore be a great way to find nearby points of historical interest.

If you go to the geographic lists section of the Historical Marker Database you can explore the database by interactive map. Select a region and you can see all the area's historic markers mapped by location. If you select a marker on this map you can then click through to view the location's entry in the database. This entry includes information and photos of the selected marker, links to nearby historical markers and information about the marker's location.

Read the Plaque has mapped the location of over 18,000 historical plaques around the world. Using the Read the Plaque interactive map you can search for plaques marking historical or interesting locations around you.

As well as searching for plaques by location you can search Read the Plaque by tag or by the most recently submitted plaques. You can also select to view a random plaque from the over 18,000 recorded plaques. When you select a plaque on the map you can view its dedicated page, which includes a photo of the plaque and a transcription of the text on the plaque. A map also shows the plaque's exact location and the location of nearby plaques.

Anyone can submit an historical plaque to Read the Plaque by taking a photo of the plaque and marking its location on an interactive map.

1 комментарий:

rayc комментирует...

Hi Keir - you may be interested to know that the Birmingham Civic Society (Birmingham, UK) have an interactive map showing the location and giving details of the approximately 100 blue plaques in the city - https://www.birminghamcivicsociety.org.uk/map/