понедельник, марта 02, 2020

Interactive Drawing Maps

Gribrouillon is a new tool for drawing on an interactive map. It is a tool which is designed not for the professional cartographer but for those who simply want to scribble something quickly on a map and share the map with their friends.

Gribrouillon includes a limited set of drawing tools. There are just four sizes of paint brush. But using these paint brushes you can paint anything you want, anywhere in the world. You also have a choice of map backgrounds, including a road map, a satellite map or a topographical map. When you've finished doodling on your map you can grab the map's URL and share it with your friends.

Scribble Maps is a similar tool which allows you to draw on top of an interactive map. However Scribble Maps has a much wider range of drawing tools. As well as being able to draw in freehand (like you can with Gribrouillon) Scribble Maps includes options to draw shapes, add images and even add text to your map.

Scribble Maps also has more extended options for saving and sharing your map drawings. As well as being able to share the URL of your map Scribble Maps allows you to download your map as an image, and export your map as a KML or GeoJSON file.

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