понедельник, августа 17, 2020

Stealing Indigenous People's Land

The Invasion of America is an interactive map of Native American land cession between 1776 and 1887. During this period the United States seized over 1.5 billion acres from the indigenous people of the USA.

The Invasion of America map includes a powerful animated timeline feature which allows you to view how the United States grew westwards by seizing Native American land through treaties and executive orders. This animated map, showing how the United States managed in a little over one hundred years to take nearly all Native American land, is a very powerful visualization of what must count as one of the biggest injustices in human history.

Unfortunately it isn't the only injustice enforced on indigenous people by invading colonists. In New Zealand, between 1865 and 1909, the Crown took 18 million acres of New Zealand land from the native islanders.

New Zealand Made includes an animated map which shows the loss of Māori land from 1865 to 1909. In other words the map shows how an entire race was deprived of its land and culture. As well as this large animated map New Zealand Made includes 70 other maps which show each of the iwi (Māori tribes) lands held before 1865. Clicking on these smaller maps will lead to more information on the land lost by the selected iwi and how it was acquired by the crown.

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