понедельник, ноября 30, 2020

Mapping Missing Bike Paths


Over the last few years many towns and cities in the UK have worked hard on improving their cycling infrastructure. However, despite these improvements, the UK has a long way to go before it is a fully cycling friendly country. 

Cycling UK has a plan to help councils across Britain improve their cycling provision and make life safer for all cyclists. Cycling UK wants to know the location of paths and tracks which could easily be adapted or changed into cycle paths. They have therefore released an interactive map which anyone can use to suggest improvements which could be made to help councils improve their cycling infrastructure.

Missing Paths is an interactive map which anyone in the UK can use to suggest improvements to their local bike network. The map can be uses to suggest any missing links in the local cycling network which could easily be adapted for bike use. These 'missing links' could be a footpath that currently doesn't allow cyclists, a disused railway line that could easily be adapted for bike use, or even a boggy track which could be resurfaced to become a bike path.

Users who add a missing link to the map are encouraged to also complete a short form, which will be sent to their local council in the form of an e-mail. This e-mail will include a link to their suggested improvement on the Missing Links map.

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