воскресенье, апреля 04, 2021

Experience a Virtual Alpine Spring

Un Printemps Suspendu (A Spring Suspended) can take you on an incredible Alpine adventure. Using 3D maps combined with audio narration and original video footage L'Equipe's virtual guide allows you to explore six of the Alps most imposing summits in the company of real mountain guides.

Un Printemps Suspendu consists of six separate episodes, each one of which takes you on a virtual journey of a different iconic Alpine mountain. In each episode we are presented with a virtual 3D model of the Alps. This model slowly rotates and zooms into the episode's featured summit. As the 3D map rotates around the summit a narrated introduction provides a guide to the mountain and introduces you to video highlights featuring the high altitude skiers and mountain guides, Vivian Bruchez and Mathéo Jacquemoud, as they climb and ski the featured summit.

At the end of each episode you are free to explore the 3D map of the mountain on your own. You can zoom in and out of the map and pan around at will.


If Un Printemps Suspendu has whetted your appetite for virtual Alpine adventures then you might also like this thrilling account of the first ever ascent of the Matterhorn. Chasing the Matterhorn is an amazing history of the very first climbers to conquer this notorious summit. This account of the first successful climb to the top of the mountain is illustrated with a 3d model of the Matterhorn.

As you progress through the narrative, following the story of the climb, links in the text pan & zoom the 3d model to the locations on the mountain mentioned in the text. The story of the race between two separate climbing teams to be the first to reach the summit of the Matterhorn is an incredible tale on its own. Being able to view the locations of some of the hair-raising moments in both climbs really helps to convey the dangers involved in these first two successful attempts on the Matterhorn.

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