понедельник, апреля 05, 2021

The 20 Largest Cities in the World


The World's Twenty Largest Cities by Population is an interactive scrollytelling map which takes you on a tour of the world's most populated cities. Scroll through the map and you will be shown, in descending order, the location of each of the world's twenty most populated cities.

The map provides a countdown from Rio De Janeiro (at number 20) to Tokyo (at number 1). As you scroll through The World's Twenty Largest Cities the map automatically zooms in on each city in turn. On the map you can view details on each city's 2019 and 2020 populations and how much the population has grown. A pink circle overlain on the city represents the relative size of the city's population.

The World's Twenty Largest Cities is actually a bit of a misnomer as the map actually allows you to explore the size of thousands of cities around the world. If you scroll to the end of the map presentation you can explore the map for yourself. Zoom out and you will see that cities around the world have pink circle's representing the relative size of the population. If you click on a city's circle you can view details on the city's actual population size.

This mapped visualization of the world''s most populated cities was developed by Clever°Franke using MapboxGL with DeckGL. Ranking the world's cities is always problematic. Different lists of the world's most popular cities can vary greatly, depending on where city borders are drawn and from where the population data is sourced. Unfortunately Clever°Franke don't seem to have cited the source for their population data or explained how they defined the geographical boundaries of each city.

2 комментария:

Young Will комментирует...

The figures are for urban areas per the UN, however NYC is missing from this list and should be #11. While NTC has 8 million people in its city proper, it has almost 19 million in its urban area.

The actual UN ranking is here:


This ranking comes from the World Population Review website, which uses city proper figures for several countries such as the US, instead of urban areas for all nations to stay consistent.

Анонимный комментирует...

Agree that the list is inaccurate. It's from World Population Review where the site owner uses UN urban area figures for international cities and his own made up figures for US cities, e.g. 8.2 million for NYC when the US Census has NYC at 8.8 million.