четверг, сентября 02, 2021

All of US

Ben Schmidt's All of US is an interactive dot map which allows you to compare population data from 2020 and 2010 US censuses.However this 'dot' map actually doesn't use colored dots but represents data in the United States as Wee People

Last month the Census Bureau released the first detailed data from the 2020 U.S. census. In 2020 Census Statistics - Local Population Changes and Nation’s Racial and Ethnic Diversity the Census Bureau published data from last year's census on population changes and on the racial and ethnic demographics of the United States. The All of US map uses this data to show the population density and racial mix of every neighborhood in the country.

This isn't the first interactive dot map of the 2020 census. CNN's Race and ethnicity across the nation uses colored dots to represent 150 people from a particular race or ethnic group living in each census tract area.'All of US' though has a few extra features which improves on CNN's map. For a start All of US allows you to compare how the population density and racial mix of neighborhoods has changed in the last decade, since the 2010 census. If you switch between the 2010 and 2020 census data then you should be able to see how the racial mix and populations densities have changed at the neighborhood level.

All of US also includes a number of interesting base map options. For example you can view the 2020 census data overlaid on top of 1930's redlining maps. This allows you to see which racial groups now mostly live in neighborhoods which were deemed at risk for lending purposes by the Home Owners' Loan Corporation in the 1930's.

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