вторник, ноября 02, 2021

Mapping the History of Architecture

Timeline Travel is an interactive mapping portal which has been designed to visualize the architectural history of individual towns and cities. Currently the site allows you to explore the development of Byzantine and Ottoman architecture in Istanbul, late Classic/Byzantine architecture in the Italian city of Ravenna, and the history of Renaissance architecture in Rome.

Each city's individual architectural history consists of an interactive timeline synchronized to an interactive map. The timeline shows the building date of each of the featured buildings and each building's location is shown on the interactive map. If you select a building from either the timeline or the map then an information window opens providing details on the selected building's construction date, architectural style and its significance in the city's architectural history. 

Each Timeline Travel map also includes filter and search controls which help you to explore the architectural gems featured on the map and timeline. The filter controls can be used to search for buildings of a particular type or architectural style. The filter controls can also be used to search for architectural details. For example it can be used to highlight buildings with domes or buildings with mosaics. The search function can be used to search for buildings by individual architects, repairers or patrons. The search function can also be used to search for buildings built during a selected date range or architectural period.

Registered users can use Timeline Travel to make their own architectural history maps for any town or city of their choosing.

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