четверг, ноября 18, 2021

Mapping Population Growth in America

Between 2010 and 2020 the number of people living in the U.S. grew by 22,703,743. Around half of that growth was provided by the rise in the Hispanic population, which grew by 23% during that decade. In the same ten year period the number of White Americans fell by over 5 million. The total number of White Americans dropping from 196,817,552 to 191,697,647.

You can explore how the population and the racial make-up of the population has changed in the last decade on Census Mapper 2020. The Census Mapper interactive map uses colored arrows to show population change down to the census tract level. Green arrows pointing up show where a local population has risen and brown arrows pointing down indicate a local fall in the population. 

Hispanic population change 2010-2020

The map sidebar allows you to explore national and local population changes for different racial groups. For example the map above shows how the Hispanic population had seen a nearly nationwide rise. Interestingly among the few counties to actually see a fall in the Hispanic population are a large number of counties in southern Texas, close to the border with Mexico.

White population change 2010-2020

Between 2010 and 2020 the White population of America was the only racial group to experience a significant fall in numbers. The Census Mapper interactive map shows that this is also a national trend, with the majority of counties across the U.S. seeing drops in the local White population.


You can also explore the racial mix of individual census tracts using maps created by CNN and Ben Schmidt. In August CNN used the 2020 census data to create a racial dot map of America. The interactive map in Race and ethnicity across the nation uses colored dots to visualize the population density and racial mix of every neighborhood in the country. Ben Schmidt's All of US is another interactive dot map which allows you to compare population data from the 2010 and 2020 US censuses.Ben's 'dot' map actually uses Wee People rather than dots to represent the U.S. population at the neighborhood level.

1 комментарий:

BigInch комментирует...

Another reason the Republicans are out with their gerrymandering maps.