суббота, декабря 18, 2021

Santa's Wish Tracker

Have you written to Santa yet? Don't worry if you haven't because you can now send your wishes to Santa on a Google Map.

Enter your wish into the Ubilabs Christmas Wish Tracker and you can follow its journey all the way from your home to Santa's post office in Finland. After you share your wish and location with the Wish Tracker you can view an animated map showing the journey of your wish being transported around the world on its way to Finland. 

On this journey your wish will be transported by plane, boat, bluebird, train and reindeer. Your wish will also stop at a number of different locations around the world before it arrives in Finland. These locations include a Christmas Tree Nursery, a biscuit market, and a matryoshka workshop.

The Christmas Wish Tracker virtually sends your wishes to Santa's Post Office in the Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi, Finland. You can pay a virtual visit to the Santa Claus Village for yourself using Google Maps Street View. Google Maps actually has  Street View imagery from inside Santa's Post Office (which receives up to 32,000 letters from children around the world every day).

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