пятница, июля 15, 2022

The World's Most Threatened Flypath

The East Asian-Australasian flyway stretches from New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere to Arctic Russia in the Northern Hemisphere. It is one of the eight major north-south migratory corridors used by birds. Around a third of all migratory bird species in the world use the flyway during their annual migrations. It is also home to around a third of the world's human population. Wherein lies the problem. The rapid expansion of urban environments along the flyway is having a dramatic effect on the environment.

In East Asia over 50% of all waterbird species who depend on wetland environments are in decline. You can learn more about the East-Australasian flyway and its importance to bird migration on CNN's The Planet's Most Threatened Flypath. CNN's investigation into the effect of urban expansion on the flyway and its impact on migratory bird species uses a number of maps to illustrate the migratory journeys taken by different bird species in this part of the world. 

The CNN report also looks at a new $3 billion Regional Flyway Initiative to restore and protect wetlands in the region. The project plans to restore 50 wetlands along the flyway route in the hope that it will help both bird species and biodiversity to recover. 

If you are interested in the migratory journeys of birds then you might also enjoy eBird's maps of individual bird species migrations. The eBird Status and Trends webpage allows you to view animated maps which show the migratory journeys undertaken every year by thousands of individual species of bird.

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