среда, ноября 09, 2022

Live 2022 Midterm Election Maps

If you want to follow the 2022 Midterm Election in real-time then you are spoilt for choice. Early indications suggest the Republicans are set to take the House. This year you can keep up-to-date with the results as they are announced on any one of a number of live midterm election maps.

The New York TImes' U.S. House Election Results 2022 (paywall) includes an interactive map of the latest results. This map has three main views. The 'proportional' and 'district' map color electoral disticts based on the party which is currently leading. A third 'Shift in Margin' map uses directional colored arrows to visualize the swing (to Democrats or Republicans) in each district compared to the 2022 primary election.

If you have access to YouTube then you can follow the election on NBC News' Live: Election Power Map. This live YouTube feed is scrolling through a live map of the results, a map of states with races and a projection of the final results.

The Washington Post's Midterm Elections 2022 includes an interactive map showing the leading candidate in each senate race. If you hover over a state on this map you can also view an estimation of the percentage of votes counted so far in the state. A table view also shows the latest results in all the House midterm election races. 

You can also follow the latest results on live tracking maps at:

The Guardian's US midterm election results 2022
Reuters' U.S. election 2022
The Financial Times' Live Results Map: US Midterm Elections
Politico's House Election Results 2022: Live Map

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