суббота, августа 19, 2023

The AI Diplomacy Map

According to the interactive map Deeplomacy the "relationship between Iraq and the United States has been turbulent, complex, and marked by periods of conflict and cooperation." Deeplomacy also informs me that the relationship between Russia and Ukraine has recently "drastically worsened".

Deeplomacy is a new map tool which can explain the historical and current diplomatic relationships between any two countries in the world. For example you can explore Russia's relationships with other countries around the world simply by clicking on a country on the Deeplomcacy map. The map will then open an information window with a summary of the diplomatic relationship between the two countries.

When you select a country on the map Deeplomacy will also instantly color every other country on the map based on the selected country's diplomatic relationships. For example, if you select the United States then Canada and the UK are colored green of the map, to indicate that both countries have a 'good' relationship with the US. On the other hand Russia, Syria and Iran are all colored red on the map to show that these countries have a 'bad' relationship with the US.

The diplomatic summary relationships are derived from ChatGPT 4's Large Language Model AI. These summaries are based on the prompt "Describe relationship between Country X & Country Y .... then provide a final verdict of good/bad/neutral relationship". It is important to note that there is a September 2021 knowledge cut-off date on the underlying data that the AI model is trained on. In the fast moving world of global geo-politics this is a significant drawback for the map (for example Russia's invasion of Ukraine is not factored into Deeplomacy's diplomatic relationship summaries).

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