понедельник, апреля 29, 2024

Weather or Not

Weather or Not's temperature map of the US

Do you dream of the perfect vacation weather? Sunshine on the beach, crisp mountain air, or vibrant fall foliage?  Imagine a tool that helps you find the ideal destination for your desired climate, anywhere in the country and for any month of the year.  This is the promise of Weather or Not, a new interactive map that leverages average weather data to recommend the best time to travel to any location. 

Weather or Not promises to help you discover the best time of the year to travel to different parts of the US if you want to experience your ideal temperature conditions. Enter your ideal temperature range (eg 60-80 Fahrenheit) into Weather or Not and the map will color every US county based on the time of year when you are most likely to encounter your ideal weather conditions in that county.

If you are planning a vacation then you can use the map to find which counties will most likely fall within your perfect temperature range in the month that you wish to travel. Select a month from the drop-down menu and change the view option to 'Yes/No'. The map will then color each US county based on whether it is likely to fall within your ideal temperature range in the month that you wish to travel. 

animated map showing average daily temperatures across the US over the counrse of one year

We all have our own ideas about what the ideal weather conditions actually are. myPefectWeather is another interactive map which can help you find the locations in the United States which most closely match your own preferred temperatures, precipitation levels and /or amount of snowfall.

If you select the 'options' button on the myPerfectWeather map menu you can begin to discover the locations across America which most resemble your ideal climate zone. For example - if you select 'the average high temperature' filter then you can enter your desired range of maximum temperatures. The map will then adjust to visualize the places that most closely match your preferred temperature range. 

You can also filter the map by average daily precipitation, average daily snowfall and comfortable weather days. You can also view a detailed breakdown of the annual weather conditions in any city by using the map's search box.

US map colored to show the number of days in the year that each location is likely to experience temperatures between 40 & 80 degrees

The Goldilocks Zone Finder is an interactive map which can also help you find the location in the United States which has your perfect year-round temperatures. Just tell the map the hottest and coldest temperatures that you are happy to live with it and it will show you a map displaying the number of days per year which fall within your own personal Goldilocks temperature zone, for all locations across the United States.

The Goldilocks Zone Finder was created by Luke Champine who wanted to find a place to live which fell within his own personal temperature preferences. The map uses data from NOAA's 30 Year Climate Normals, which uses 30 years of weather measurements taken across the United States to calculate daily temperature averages. The NOAA Climate Normals also includes averages for precipitation and other climate variables but these are not included on the Goldilocks Zone Finder.

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The temp data stop at the year 2000!! A quarter century of climate change is not included…