четверг, июля 04, 2024

The Riskiest Places to Live in America

map of US counties colored to show the level of risk from natural hazards

Los Angeles County is a dangerous place to live. According to the National Risk Index the residents of Los Angeles County are more likely to suffer from a natural hazard than anywhere else in the United States. 

The residents of Los Angeles County are more likely to experience an earthquake than any other US location. They also have one of the highest chances of experiencing a landslide and have a high chance of risk from heatwaves, wildfire, tornadoes and lightning. On the plus side if you live in Los Angeles County you have a very low risk of experiencing extreme winter weather.

You can discover your levels of risk from natural hazards on FEMA's National Risk Index map. The map colors US counties and census tracts to show which are most at risk for 18 natural hazards. If you select a natural hazard risk from the map's drop-down menu you can view the counties which are most and least at risk across the whole country.

For example if you select to view the map of earthquake risk, as you might expect, counties along the San Andreas Fault are shown to be most at risk. The hurricane risk map reveals that counties in Florida have the most risk of experiencing a tropical storm. The risk from avalanche is highest in the mountain range counties of Wyoming.

If you live outside the US then you can discover your degree of earthquake risk on the Global Seismic Risk Map. The Global Earthquake Model Foundation is a non-profit organization working to assess and help manage the risk from earthquakes and seismic activity around the globe. Part of its mission is to assess and share open data on earthquake risks and hazards.

The Global Earthquake Model Foundation has released two interactive maps, the Global Seismic Risk Map and the Global Seismic Hazard Map, which can be used to explore the risk from earthquakes at locations around the world. The estimated hazards are based on the foundation's own OpenQuake engine, an open-source seismic hazard and risk model.

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