суббота, мая 14, 2005

Find your friendly local brothel on Google Maps!

Quickie Google Search Lays Out "Brothels"
Yahoo! News - Thu May 12

What do the University of Oregon's history department in Eugene, Ore.; the Happy Ending bar in Manhattan; and the Abstinence Clearinghouse in Sioux Falls, S.D. have in common?

According to Google Maps, the for-free location and driving instructions service that the San Francisco-based search giant operates, all are identified as houses of ill repute.

5 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

Here's a site that plots sex offenders locations using Google Maps and links back the the offender details:


Roberto Iza Valdés комментирует...
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JamesBrowney комментирует...

Great links, thanks for these!In Google Maps all the bars, restaurants and points of interest are marked, sometimes with images. I love this feature and I use it every day too!