воскресенье, февраля 03, 2008

Real-time Train Map for Switzerland

Real-time Swiss Trains Map:

Swiss Trains is an amazing map that shows every train in the Swiss rail network in real-time. You can search the whole network for any train or station and watch in amazement as the train positions are animated in real-time on a map of Switzerland.

Place your mouse over any of the moving trains and a pop-up window informs you which train it is, where it is heading, which station it is calling at next and its current speed. Click on a moving train and a timetable for that train appears. The timetable includes an option to ‘follow’ the train. If you choose this option the map changes to a satellite view and zooms in on your chosen train. You can now follow the moving train from a ‘a bird's eye view’.

This option allows you to follow trains on some of the most attractive train lines in the world. For example if you search for train D 903 (or any train between D903 - D910) you can follow a train along the mountainous route of The Glacier Express from St. Moritz across the amazing Landwasser Viaduct and onto Zermatt.

Currently the map does not actually show the GPS-positions of trains but estimates position based on the Swiss train timetable. However the site owners promise that the actual real-time position of trains will soon be given, based on the delay-information from Prosurf. 


2 комментария:

Karel комментирует...

There is a similar (experimental) site for the Dutch trains: Treinvizier

Анонимный комментирует...

This is a brilliant site. As I'm travelling to France, Italy,Austria, Switzerland & Germany later this year I have found it extremely useful.

Well done guys