понедельник, апреля 21, 2008

Crime on Google Maps


Wikicrimes is a new Brazilian crime map created by Professor Vasco Furtado from the University of Fortaleza in northern Brazil. Frustrated at the lack of official crime data available to the public in Brazil the professor decided to create his own user generated map.

To register a crime users first find their location on the map and click on the map. An information window then opens with a form to enter the details of the crime. Registered crimes are colour coded on the map in three categories, robbery, theft and other.

The majority of crimes that have been registered so far are in Brazil but thanks to coverage from the BBC crimes in other countries are also beginning to be registered.

Via: Mapperz

Garner Police Department

One police department that does produce official crime data is the Garner Police Department in North Carolina, USA. Not only do they publish local crime statistics but they also plot the crimes on a Google Map.

The map can be searched by address. You can define the distance from the address you wish to see crimes for and you can decide whether to see crimes for the last three months, the last six months or for the last year. There are also a number of different classifications of crimes that you can choose to view and the crimes that are tagged on the map are colour coded under the same classifications.


9 комментариев:

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(burning cars in Berlin, Germany)

Luker комментирует...

I have been looking EVERYWHERE, but there is no straight forward explanation about how to place a Google mapplet onto a page of one's website. Why can't they make it as easy as Apple's iWeb does (http://www.apple.com/ilife/iweb/#google)? I'm getting SO frustrated!! Help me out, please!

Keir Clarke комментирует...


Have you tried the 'Link to this page' link at the top right on a Google Maps page? When you click on that if it is possible to embed a mapplet or 'My Map' the embed code will appear.

Unknown комментирует...


Im a developer of Wikicrimes Website
I would like to say that we used your book "Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax: From Novice to Professional" to develop the web site.

Thanks for the post

Анонимный комментирует...

Hello- I am a graduate student at the University of Oregon researching the impact community gardens has on crime. But I am having a hard time finding crime maps of major US cities besides LA, Chi, & DC -Im really looking for NYC (5 boros), Philly, SF, Portland, Seattle, Miami, Dallas, and some Midwestern cities.Please help.



Анонимный комментирует...

#1 http://gothamist.com/labs/map
#2 http://www.spotcrime.com/ny/new+york



Unknown комментирует...
