пятница, сентября 19, 2008

Google (& other) Maps Friday Fun

Attack of the Killer Spiders
If you want to know what it will look like after the spiders inherit the Earth check this out. I, for one, welcome our new arachnid overlords.

Hat-tip to Pamela Fox

Street View of the Week
Google Sightseeing managed to spot this UFO attacking Tokyo. I, for one, welcome our new red saucer flying overlords (sorry spiders).

View Larger Map
Via: Google Sightseeing

The Street View Privacy Issue (in comic form)

street view comicThis comic from the If I See Something blog is hilarious. Go check out the whole thing. I promise you won't regret it. I, for one, welcome our new Google overlords (sorry aliens).

Street View Sightings
The Register have put together this map of street car sightings. Each sighting is accompanied by a photograph of the street view car!
Via: Google Street View Gallery

Win a Google Sightseeing Book
Virtual Globetrotting are running a Google Street View scavenger hunt. The prize is a copy of Off the Map, the US edition of the Google Sightseeing book. The competition is to find interesting words in Google Street View.

All the Food That's Fit to Print

Are you looking for a good local restaurant? If you are the best place to look is often your local newspaper. All the Food That's Fit to Print is a Google Maps Mash-up that has geo-tagged hundreds of newspaper food columns. So now you can use Google Maps to find the food column of your local newspaper.

Talk Like A Pirate Day
Google Sightseeing have a fun post today that shows some of the Google Maps street views that have a pirate theme.

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