понедельник, декабря 01, 2008

Clustering Solution for Google Maps


Mapeed is a new clustering plug-in solution that has just been launched for Google Maps. Based on a new generation of algorithms Mapeed can compute and display 50,000 markers on a map in a very short time.

Mapeed have a couple of Google Maps demonstrating the use of the clustering plugin:
  • CrunchVision Map - the CrunchBase Map shows the location of 6091 companies registered on CrunchBase.
  • Olympic Medallists Map - this map shows where in the world all the Olympic medallists from the Beijing 2008 Olympics hail from. Compare the performance of this map using the Mapeed plug-in with the Supernifty Google Maps of the medallists which uses no clustering solution.

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

i wish google would just release cluster feature of their own

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Check out the marker manager
