пятница, января 09, 2009

30 Great Google Maps - The Video

I've been thinking for a while about how to liven up the excellent 100 Things to do with Google Maps list, which was created by Mike Pegg. I've also been thinking for a while about putting together a slide show of screenshots of great Google Maps mash-ups for when I'm asked to do presentations.

I eventually decided a great idea would be to do a video of screen captures of some of the more visual Google Maps mashups. Eventually I plan to do a hundred but for now here's the first 30.

Google Maps Mania - The Movie from Keir Clarke on Vimeo.

Update: You can even now view the video with captions:

These are the first 20 maps (in order):
  1. The World in 3D
  2. Mini Flight Sim
  3. Star Viewer
  4. The Kremer Collection
  5. TrekinU
  6. iMap Weather
  7. TimeSpace: World
  8. Real-time Swiss Trains Map
  9. Twittervision
  10. DayLightMap.com
  11. Virtual Tourism
  12. Seero
  13. Streetviewr
  14. V-Trafic
  15. US Oil Imports Map
  16. Virtual Africa
  17. Biodiversity Heat Maps
  18. Roofray
  19. Gaiagi Driver
  20. Google Moon

6 комментариев:

Анонимный комментирует...

Nice work!


GeoJoe комментирует...

Nicely done! Keep 'em comin'.

Анонимный комментирует...

Hello there,

Yeah! Agree with you 2. Great work! Hope to hear more from you..

Анонимный комментирует...

Hi there, you may want to have a look at www.mapia.pl - nice mashup covering major cities in Poland, allows to create new, personalized place in seconds

Great blog, cheers!

Анонимный комментирует...

Nice video, a good incentive for using Google Maps. You should stick those vids in your sidebar or something...

Анонимный комментирует...

Excelente recopilación de funciones del Google maps.
