вторник, января 13, 2009

New Google Maps Transit Layer

Google have today launched a new transit layer for Google Maps. The new layer is available for 50 cities around the world.

To switch on the layer go to the 'More' button and select the Transit tab. You can also turn on the layer by clicking on a public transit icon on the map.

The Google Latlong Blog says that,

"the objective of the Transit Layer is to overlay lines visually on Google Maps. Think of a virtual metro map on top of Google Maps."

The full list of cities is Belo Horizonte, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brasilia, Cairo, Capetown, Caracas, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dallas, Dortmund, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Ekaterinburg, Essen, Frankfurt, Genoa, Guadalajara, Hamburg, Helsinki, Johannesburg, Kazan, Köln, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Medellin, Mexico City, Melbourne, Monterrey, Montreal, Munich, Naples, Nizhniy Novgorod, Oslo, Paris, Perth, Portland, Porto, Porto Alegre, Prague, Pretoria, Recife, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Samara, San Francisco, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Tunis, Vienna, Warsaw.

Via: Google LatLong: New ways to get around with the Transit Layer


4 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

extreeeeeeeeeemely cool.

smokeonit комментирует...

when will mainland EU get traffic layer??? UK has had the traffic layer for quite some time now! germany, france, spain and italy really could need a traffic layer update!!!

Анонимный комментирует...

could you tell me when we can see the new world picture earth as the cities in the expanded now

online travel guide комментирует...

I would have liked to be able to click on the individual lines icons on the left and see the line on the map.