вторник, февраля 17, 2009

Google Map of Dodgy Sydney Restaurants

Gastro is a Google Maps mashup of the New South Wales (Australia) Food Authority's name-and-shame lists. It collates the Register of Offences and the Register of Penalty Notices and displays the location of offending restaurants on a map.

The map includes an interesting slidebar, which is used to load map markers onto the map. Using the slidebar it is possible to change the number of months of penalty offences loaded onto the map.

The video below shows the slidebar in use:

Gastro from Keir Clarke on Vimeo.

1 комментарий:

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G'day! I'm the creator of gotgastro.com. Thanks for writing about it! :-)

The application is actually open source, so people can poke around with how it works behind the scenes.

Anyhow, I pushed a new data set on there the day after you posted this, so there are a bunch of new dodgy restaurants people can marvel at.