пятница, февраля 27, 2009

Google Maps Friday Fun

Place de Phallus
Have a look at the two satellite images below of the Place de Terreaux in Lyon, France. The bottom one has the 'show labels' option turned on. The French sure do have imaginatively shaped roads.

Thanks to Emmanuel & Antoine for submitting this!

Dodgy Places to Eat

I'm not buying any sandwiches here.

Apparently this word has different meanings in different countries. I'm still not buying any sandwiches from here,

Via: Google Sightseeing


Geohashing is a method for finding a random location nearby and visiting it.

Via (very indirecty and not really): Yahoo Geo Technologies Blog

1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Not the only phallic reference on a map I bet:
