суббота, марта 28, 2009

Real-Time Plane Tracking on Google Maps


This is an awesome map of real-time flights over Sweden. The map shows live the positions of all planes over the country. It is even possible to adjust the time between position updates on the map, the choice is between 10, 30 and 60 seconds.

It is possible to click on any of the plane markers and view details about the plane and flight and see it's route trail on the map. The trail of the plane is coloured to reflect the plane's altitude at each point of its journey. The information given about each individual plane is model, airline, latitude and longitude, altitude, speed, orientation and which airport it took off at and where it is landing.

Other Flight Tracking Maps
  • GMaps Flight Tracker - inbound flight maps to some busy U.S. airports: Atlanta, Boston, JFK New York, Los Angeles and Chicago
  • North American flight tracker! - works for most commercial flights originating and arriving in the United States and/or Canada
  • Radar - tracking flights over Sweden
Boat Tracking Maps

6 комментариев:

Unknown комментирует...

Hi Keir,

Take a look @ AirNavLive from AerHub :o)


Greetins from Africa

Bodenseepeter комментирует...

Zurich was the first online, as far as I konw. See http://radar.zhaw.ch/radar.html

Keir Clarke комментирует...

@Bodenseepter - That one is linked to above as Radar.

Анонимный комментирует...

Check out http://optifly.com

Jeff Paulett комментирует...

The Hurtigruten ship tracking is great. You can see in real time exactly where each ship is around the Norwegian coastline.

Анонимный комментирует...

http://planefinder.net is still the best :-)