четверг, марта 05, 2009

Work Out the Gas Costs of a Journey

Cost To Drive

Do you want to know how much it costs to drive somewhere? Well Drive to Cost can tell you how much it costs to drive anywhere in the US. To use the map you just enter your starting and finishing destination, select the year, model and make of car and press enter.

A Google Map of your journey is then shown, alongside a breakdown of the miles driven, gas prices and total cost. You are also given the total miles of your journey and your carbon footprint.

Gas Price Maps


4 комментария:

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In belgium, http://www.carbu.be

Анонимный комментирует...

In Spain,www.gasofa.es

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Hi There,

Jim here, one of the founders of Cost2Drive.com. Thanks much for including our site in your list!

Along with the cost to drive we also show the cost to fly via an integration with Kayak.com - so you can see if its cheaper to drive or cheaper to fly.

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Oh, and we also have a widget that anyone can place on a web or blog page. Here's the URL: http://www.costtodrive.com/widget/