четверг, июня 04, 2009

Street View Goes Photosynth

Google Maps Street View
Google have added some really cool new navigational tools to Google Maps Street View. The new tools add rectangular overlays on top of Street View that when double clicked zoom you into the view. There are also round overlays that let you jump down a street and other rectangular overlays that let you jump down a street and pan to a particular view.

Check out the video below to see the new tools in action:

The new tools remind me a little of the tools in Photosynth that let you navigate around the different photographs in a 'synth'. In creating interactive hotspots or hyperlinks in Street Views Google may also be paving the way for advertising in Street View. How much would businesses pay to have a hyperlink of a street view of their stores take map users to the company's website? Wouldn't it be cool if you could stroll down your high street in Street View and click on shops and be taken to the store's website?

Via: Google Sightseeing

2 комментария:

smokeonit комментирует...

And this new feature is taking advantage of the SICK laser scanners! If you pay close attention you notice that the objects like walls, trees, or any other physical object is having an effect on the location and distance of the zoom icon/tool...!!!

smokeonit комментирует...

"Wouldn't it be cool if you could stroll down your high street in Street View and click on shops and be taken to the store's website?"

it would be even cooler if there would be a virtual billboard on top of that shop/business;) with the 3D data google can easily add automated billboards wherever they like, they don;t need to manually add those into SV...!!! ;)