среда, июня 24, 2009

Summer of the Street View Trike

The Street View Trike on Campus

Last week the Google Street View trike was seen cycling around the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Google say they have agreed to take Street View imagery at a number of universities, including, San Diego State, University of San Diego and Penn State.

"[We're partnering] with universities and colleges who say ‘this is a great chance to explore our campus in a different way,'" said Sean Carlson, Google’s manager of global communications and public affairs.

Via: Technically Philly

Street View Trike Vote

In the UK, Google have partnered with VisitBritain to allow the public to vote for where they would like the Street View trike to visit. You can vote for your favourite landmark here.

Street View Solves Robbery
The Register last week reported that two street robbers were apprehended thanks to Google Street View imagery in the Netherlands.

Last September a 14-year-old boy was robbed in Groningen. The boy looked at Street View in March and discovered that imagery from just before the robbery showed the two men. He applied to Google for the uncensored imagery, Google obliged and the police were subsequently able to identify the two muggers.

Via: The Register

Save Australian Street View Imagery
In Australia there is a campaign to get Google to preserve images of the towns wiped off the map by the terrible Victorian 2009 Bushfires. The campaign have set up a Facebook petition group so Australians can add their support.

Google are apparently currently in discussions regarding preserving the Street View data.


1 комментарий:

Lester, Adult Tricycle комментирует...

OK, is it just me or are the blue dots back? Not only that, but last week you couldn't drag pegman to a different photo in the little inset map, but now it works. I suspect the two are related. First time I've seen google roll back a change within days of release, or am I imagining things?