суббота, августа 29, 2009

Job Searching from Indeed on Google Maps


Elaboratorium is a Google Maps mashup that can search and show the location of jobs from Indeed.com. It is possible to search the Indeed.com database by job title and location and the results are shown on a Google Map.

Results from searches are also shown under the map and are sorted by submission date. The returned map markers provide a link to the found job on Indeed.com.

Where to Find Work

Where to Find Work is also a Google Maps mashup that can search and show the location of jobs from Indeed.com. The mashup was created by nocarb.net. It is possible to refine a search for jobs by job title and location.

Results of searches are shown on the map and the results for each city are also ranked by count for that job query in the map sidebar. If you click on one of the returned map markers an information window opens with a link to that job on Indeed.com.


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