четверг, октября 15, 2009

The Australian Stimulus Plan Google Map

Nation Building

The Australian Government have created a Google Maps mashup to show where the country's tax dollars are being spent as part of the federal government's stimulus plan. To ensure that the program is delivered with full transparency the Australian Government has created an entire website, Nation Building - Economic Stimulus Plan, which is dedicated to news, stories and progress reports so citizens can monitor how their money is being spent. The Google Map plays a large part in showing where and how the money is being spent.

Information is available on the map for six different expenditure categories: education, community infrastructure, road and rail, housing, insulation and solar. It is possible to search the Google Map by postcode or address. The map will then show you the ESP projects under way within a 10 kilometre radius from the address you enter, and will automatically default to the closest available location.

Via: All Things Spatial

Also See

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