четверг, октября 08, 2009

Street View Japan Update

Asahiyama Zoo (Asahikawa)

Amongst all the excitement about the release of Street View in Canada and Prague yesterday it seems to have gone largely unnoticed that Street View has also been added to the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. Nagasaki, Sasebo, Asahikawa and Furano now also have street view coverage.

Asahiyama Zoo, in particular, seems to have had a visit from the Street View trike.

In the US there has also been an update to some of the Street View imagery. Many US cities now seem to have much higher resolution Street Views than they did a couple of days ago.






3 комментария:

claudia64 комментирует...

Can you tell us the names of some U.S. cities with the higher resolution? I can't find any that didn't have it before ...

Keir Clarke комментирует...

Hi Claudia,

Areas of San Francisco (e.g Lombard Street) and New York seem to have higher resolution imagery.

Although it could be my memory playing tricks on me.


Unknown комментирует...

Damn. They finally covered the road where I saw the Google Car driving,

But they seem to have been capturing when they drove the other way. Nearly Famous :-(