четверг, декабря 17, 2009

Create a Twitter Journey Map


This Google Maps mashup uses the new geo-tagging feature in Twitter to create a journey map from messages you have posted to Twitter. In fact you can create a journey map for any geo-tagged enabled Twitter account by just entering any Twitter member's user name.

To create a map you need to enable geotagging under 'Settings' in your Twitter account. TweetJourney scans the last 100 tweets in any selected account and maps all of the geotagged tweets. From the generated list you can remove any tweet that you don't want to show up on your map.

When you enter your Twitter user name all you have to do is press "Let's go - show journey" and a map is created for you. Twitter journey creates a unique URL for each map so you can easily share the map with your friends on Twitter, Facebook or even by e-mail.

If you don't have enough geo-tagged tweets you can test the map by using TwitterJourney's own Twitter account '@fdqps'.


2 комментария:

mlaun комментирует...

So close to what I'm after, but I want my new geotagged tweets to appear automatically as I add new ones. I don't want to have to generate a new Journey page to show to friends. I want my journey to grow as people revisit a page (preferably my wordpress blog with the TweetJourney embedded in it).

fdqps комментирует...

You can now share your TweetJourneys in augmented reality through http://layar.com!

Download Layar to your phone and look up TweetJourney. Create a journey on the site and share the journey with your friends. Now your friends can follow in your footsteps!