понедельник, декабря 07, 2009

The Fear Salesman on Google Maps

When musician Nate Heagy heard that Google would be collecting Street View imagery in his home town of Saskatoon he decided that this would be the ideal opportunity to promote his band Fear Salesman. In preparation he created a sign of his band's name and placed it in the trunk of his car.

The sign stayed in his car for a few months whilst he waited for the Street View cars to arrive. Eventually, as he was eating lunch one day, Heagy spotted a Google car. He then followed the car for a while until he worked out the route it was driving.

Having figured out the route Heagy drove ahead, stopped, set up his sign and grabbed his trusty guitar. In November Google Maps released the Street View imagery of Saskatoon and, lo and behold, it featured a live performance from The Fear Salesman (well at least one of them).

Having achieved getting the band's name on Street View Heagy has seen an increase in people downloading the band's songs on-line.


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