суббота, июня 12, 2010

Worldwide Elevation Charts


Geocontext-Profiler allows you to make topographic profiles for any location on Earth.

Creating a topographic profile is very easy. You just need to find your location on the map and then add map markers to define where you wish to view the elevation data. A number of quick links will take you to the topographic profiles of some well known locations around the world, such as Mount Everest and the Grand Canyon.

Once you have created a profile you can send the link to your friends or you can embed it in your own website or blog.


1 комментарий:

Krystian (author) комментирует...

A few days ago I finished a new version GEOCONTEXT-Profiler.
New options:
– New chart shows the distance uphill and down
– Import KML files creates a graph
– Create a profile and add to the map (+ upload your photos)
– Create a profile and copy link
and many other options