понедельник, июня 21, 2010

That New Orleans Sound on Google Maps

Open Sound New Orleans

The Open Sound New Orleans map is an amazing gateway to the wonderful music and sounds of New Orleans. It allows you to take a virtual walk around New Orleans, stop at the Cafe du Monde and listen to the amazing tunes of two street musicians. Alternatively you could head up to Mithra Street and catch a couple of rappers in action.

Open Sound New Orleans is a community media project that is getting New Orleanians to document their lives in sound. Participants are asked to record the important sounds and voices in their lives and add them to a Google Map of New Orleans sounds.

The project lends recording equipment, and offers training in its use, to community organisations, neighbourhood groups and individuals. The sounds recorded are then added to the map and can be shared, reused and adapted by others.

The sounds on the New Orleans sound map are categorised into 'ambient sounds', 'music sounds' and 'all voice sounds' and it is possible to view the map markers altogether or separately on the map.

Via: @geoparadigm

Other Sound Maps

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