пятница, июня 25, 2010

Friday Fun with Google Maps

Quick, Look Cool for Street View

Bitty have animated a few consecutive Street View images of two guys spotting the Street View car and quickly assuming their coolest poses.

Hat-tip: Mapperz

Pegman Dresses for Wimbledon

If you check out Street View around the Wimbledon Tennis Club in London you will find that Pegman has once again donned his best tennis whites.

Map Dish

Know any UK cartographers? If so they might appreciate a present of this London Map Dish. Although, at around $71, it isn't cheap.

Elephants Crossing

When you are Street View car driver in South Africa one of the things you have to watch out for is elephants crossing the road. Yes, it's another great elephant find from Google Sightseeing.

Google Search Story
The latest Google Search Story is called 'Graduation', although it could just have easily been called the 'American Dream'. I'm embedding it here, firstly because I like it and secondly because it highlights the usefulness of Street View when searching for property.


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