вторник, июля 27, 2010

Real Guy Walks Across America

I'm Just Walkin'

Matt is walking across the USA. You can follow his progress with this Google Map of photographs he is taking of his journey. Currently Matt is in Placid Lake State Park in Montana.

The I'm Just Walkin' website includes two Google Maps, the map of Matt's photos and a smaller map showing his progress so far. Actually the photo map shows a pretty good track of Matt's route - there are a lot of photos. You can browse Matt's photos of his journey directly from the map or you can view them in blog form under the map.


2 комментария:

Ant комментирует...

Awesome. Slow paced and high-tech Forrest Gump! :D

Craig комментирует...

If you like that you might like this: Real guy (me) walked across Japan :-)