пятница, ноября 19, 2010

Real-Time Edits to Google Maps

Google Map Maker Pulse

Google have released a map showing in real-time edits being made to Google Maps using Google Map Maker.

Google Map Maker allows anyone to edit or add features such as roads, businesses, parks, schools and more to Google Maps. Contributions on Map Maker are used to improve the accuracy of Google Maps.

This real-time map animates to the latest contributions made on Map Maker, showing the location updated in satellite view. The map also displays the name of the contributor and the type of edit or addition made to the map.

(update: Pulse seems to have quickly become a dead page - hopefully it will be back up soon)


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Unknown комментирует...

404. That’s an error

The requested URL /mapmaker/pulse?uclass=1&gw=24 was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
