вторник, ноября 09, 2010

All Australian Life on Google Maps

Atlas of Living Australia

Arek of the All Things Spatial blog has a new post on the new Atlas of Living Australia. Here is an edited summary of his review:

The Atlas of Living Australia is the "public face" of a $64.7 million initiative, funded over 6 years by the Australian Government. Using the Atlas users can find, access, combine and visualise data on Australian plants and animals. It aims to enable any user to quickly locate and access information on all aspects of Australian biodiversity.

The website uses Google Maps to allow users to search, analyse and combine biodiversity and environmental data geographically. The Species Map allows you to search for species by common or scientific names. Occurrences are then mapped as points or as numbered cluster markers. Clicking on the map at a particular location returns a query on how many occurrences of particular species are in a 10km radius from the selected point.

The application comes with a long list of contextual layers. All are well referenced to metadata with auto generated legends for easy identification of what various colour scales mean. Created maps can be saved as images for further reuse.

Via: All Things Spatial


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