пятница, ноября 05, 2010

Floor-Plans with Google Maps

University of Central Florida Library

The University of Central Florida has created a pretty awesome map of the university library using custom map tiles with the Google Maps API.

It is possible to view a floor-plan for each of the library's five floors, showing the location of offices, study rooms, restrooms and service desks. The map even appears to have real-time data concerning the availability of computers. If you click on any of the green computer icons an information window opens informing you how many computers are available.

You can navigate to any of the floor plans by using the floor map buttons at the top of the map.


3 комментария:

"Guppy" Honaker комментирует...
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"Guppy" Honaker комментирует...

BYU needs one of these. The campus in Provo, Utah is huge and confusing!

- David

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kuis student portal комментирует...

is this new tool from google? great!