среда, декабря 01, 2010

Detachable Google Maps

Free Reference Map Service

Arek, of the excellent Australian mapping/GIS Blog All Things Spatial, has released a new Google Maps creation tool.

The application allows anyone to publish and share spatial information with Google Maps and a KML/KMZ or geoRSS link. The service couldn't be simpler to use. All you need to do to create your own embeddable map is append the URL of a KML/KMZ or geoRSS file to an aus-emaps.com URL. For example,

http://www.aus-emaps.com/svs/ref/map.php?kmzl= FullURLaddressOfYourFile

Once you have appended the URL of your file to the aus-emaps.com you can then link to the created URL or embed the map in your own website or blog. There are a number of parameters that you can change in the URL to change the default map type, the location and the zoom level. You can also adjust the width and height of the map.

The application is very easy to use and provides a great way for you to present your KML/KMZ or geoRSS creations on a Google Map. Of course you don't need to use your own KML's or geoRSS files. The application will work with any KML or geoRSS file published on the internet. For example you could take the geoRSS feed from the USGS, showing the location of earthquakes in the last week and create a map, like so,


Arek also says that there are some more advanced sharing and map creation options under development, which he hopes to make available soon.


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