понедельник, марта 14, 2011

Google Map Showing 100 Years of Cinema

100 Years of Set Locations

Do you ever wonder what films have been shot in your neighborhood? Well, with BoxOfficeQuant's new Google Map you can find all the movies that have been shot on location near your home.

The map displays the top 2,000 films from 1910-2010 according to IMDB. The location of sets used in each film was also obtained from IMDB. In total the map shows 9,736 locations from the 2,000 films.

The map uses Google Fusion Tables. It is a shame that BoxOfficeQuant didn't add the heat map option provided by Fusion Tables as it would be quite interesting to view the world's hot-spots for movie sets.

BoxOfficeQuant were even kind enough to respond to my wish to view a heat map of the locations used in the films.


1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

your telling me resident evil afterlife is on the top 2000 but the second one isn't? because it was filmed at nathan phillips square in toronto. i remember this because it was a movie about a virus spreading and it was filmed during the big S.A.R.S. scare.