четверг, марта 31, 2011

Greenpeace Radiation Map

Greenpeace Map of Radiation Measurements

Greenpeace are calling for the Japanese government to widen the evacuation area around the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Greenpeace radiation experts took readings beyond the evacuation zone and found levels that they say are high enough to require evacuation beyond the official zone.

Greenpeace has created a Google Map of their readings taken on the 26th and 27th March. The map shows "radiation levels of up to ten micro Sieverts per hour in Iitate village, 40km northwest of the crisis-stricken Fukushima/Daiichi nuclear plant, and 20km beyond the official evacuation zone. These levels are high enough to require evacuation."

Via: Le Technoblog du LAC

Also See

Japan Radiation Maximum by Prefecture
RDTN.org Japanese Radiation Levels


1 комментарий:

Jane комментирует...

If the Japanese people do get radiation these two dudes http://fruitsforweightloss.net/the-raw-food-trucker/ know how to heal anything; jk, but in all seriousness they really should widen the evacuation area as some people are genetically more sensitive to radiation than others, although it is the Japanese governments decision ultimately.