пятница, апреля 01, 2011

Google Maps Mania Logo Added to API

Wow! This is huge.

In recognition of the work of Google Maps Mania in publicising the Google Maps API over the last six years Google has today decided to add 'Maps Mania' to the Google logo on all maps created with v3 of the Maps API.

You can see an example of the new logo on the bottom right of this map. If you click on 'Google' you will be taken to the main Google Maps page as usual. If you click on 'Maps Mania' you will now be sent to Google Maps Mania. In sending users to this blog Google can publicise the myriad ways in which developers have used the Google Maps API.

Developers who don't want to link to Google Maps Mania from their Google Maps can remove the 'Maps Mania' part of the logo by inserting:

mapTypeControlOptions: {
style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.primaaprilis

Of course, we hope that you don't!


1 комментарий:

luis franco комментирует...

Congratulations! I've been following your blog for some years now and it's been always surprising the number of posts achieved and the quality of them.
You've deserved it.