четверг, апреля 28, 2011

A Facebook Check-in Button Generator


CheckinPlugin helps businesses and venues create a Facebook check-in button for their websites. The obvious advantages for businesses of having a check-in button is that it will encourage customers to check-in using Facebook and help promote their venue or company.

Creating a CheckinPlugin is very easy. First you just need to enter your location on a Google Map. CheckinPlugin then displays all the venues with a Facebook place id at that address. You then select your business from the list and create your unique CheckinPlugin.

CheckinPlugin then generates the code for your plug-in and all you need to do then is insert it into your company's website.


1 комментарий:

Unknown комментирует...

This is exactly what I am looking for BUT...... the code does not appear for me. Am I doing something wrong. I typed in my location found my facebook place clicked on it then nothing...
Any thoughts